

The Top 6 Ways To Fix Hot & Cold Spots For Maintaining Even Temperature

ac filter cleaning dubai

Inconsistent temperature can be upsetting especially when you are paying a hefty amount on your electricity bills to make your home comfortable. Sometimes we notice that some parts of our home feel like a sauna while the other part may feel extremely cold. This fluctuation between the hot and cold spots can make you change the temperature of your home's thermostat all the time. 

Fluctuation in room temperature is the result of air and can be extremely annoying. Sometimes a person may notice good airflow in one room while almost no airflow in the other. There are multiple reasons behind this. Sometimes it can happen due to an imbalanced HVAC system and sometimes for leakages in the ducts. 

Though we all know what temperature fluctuation is, very few of us are aware of the methods which can help us to fix them. So let's take a look at the top methods which we can use to fix temperature fluctuations in our homes.

Apply Two Degree Process 

We all know that balancing the right temperature in a two-storey building is tricky. So applying the degree method can be effective. Now what is the degree method? To apply this method, set the temperature of the second floor to two degrees less than that of the first floor. For example, if you set the temperature of the first floor at 70°F, the temperature of the second floor should be at 68°F. This method can help you achieve the right temperature for both floors as per your needs. 

Keep the Air Filters Cleaned 

What are the functions of air filters in an effective HVAC system? Air filters aid in removing dust and contaminants while spreading fresh air throughout a home. Air filters require regular cleaning. Otherwise, they can get clogged and create hot and cold spots throughout your home. As per most reputed air conditioner cleaning service providing brands in Dubai, UAE, the air filters should be cleaned every two weeks and should be altered every 3-4 months. 

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Select the Best Location For A Thermostat 

The thermostat is the thing that takes the most temperature readings in our home. Hence, it should be located in a prime location in your home. But how could you identify the prime location of your home? The answer is very easy, the most used room in your home is the ideal place to set a thermostat. 

While placing a thermostat, try to keep it away from electronic gadgets like televisions, ovens and lamps as they can make enormous heat which can impact the temperature readings. It is better to position them away from doors and windows as wind or cold can affect the readings.

Opt For HVAC Zoning 

Another great method to maintain an even temperature in your home is HVAC zoning. It enables the user to set a specific temperature for each zone and make required adjustments without affecting the temperature of your entire home. 

Remove Vent Obstruction 

Oftentimes you may notice very little amount of air is blowing from an HVAC unit. It can happen due to some obstruction like furniture in front of the vents. So if any furniture is blocking the vents of your HVAC system, ensure removing them. Search the term AC maintenance service near me to know more about this.


Apart from these, there are many other methods which can help you solve airflow and temperature fluctuation in your home. Such as adjusting HVAC dampers, using ceiling fans for balancing air pressure, choosing the right sized HVAC unit, fixing leaky ducts, installing adequate numbers of return ducts, using window covering, adjusting blower fan speed etc. 

An HVAC expert will take different measurements and conduct tests to decide what’s provoking air inequality in your home. Data from these examinations will be utilised to develop a report outlining your HVAC system’s functioning. So whenever there is a requirement, contact us to get free quotes.

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